Project Announcement – Sicamous WWTP AquaDisk Cloth Media Filtration
In November 2020, the Sicamous WWTP Operations team approached Waste’n WaterTech (WWT) to find a solution to lower their effluent total phosphorus (TP). The plant was not consistently meeting their TP limit of 1 mg/l, especially during a 6 – 8 week period in the summer. During this time, the wastewater from the region’s houseboats shocks the plant weekly resulting in effluent TP levels often reaching 5-7 mg/l.
WWT, along with our partner, Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc. (AASI) worked collaboratively with the plant to assess the problem and came up with a design for a 4-disk AquaDisk Cloth Media Filter with 5 micron cloth media to meet the plant’s effluent permit.
Project execution is on schedule with targeted delivery and installation of the AquaDisk Cloth Media Filter in June 2021…. just in time for the summer houseboat season!

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