Project Completion – City of Winnipeg SEWPCC
The South End Water Pollution Control Centre (SEWPCC) is the City of Winnipeg’s second largest treatment plant, providing approximately 20% of the City’s sewage treatment. The City has just invested over $180M to both increase the plant’s capacity to 420 MLD, and to enable the plant to perform Biological Nutrient Removal. The selected biological process is an Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) process that employs plastic media as a substrate to grow a biofilm to help treat the wastewater. This technology requires perforated retention screens installed in the IFAS zones to avoid media loss. Without proper headworks screening, these media retention screens would quickly become blinded by the type of debris commonly found in municipal wastewater. The City needed to find the right balance between high screenings capture efficiency to protect their IFAS process, and high hydraulic capacity to handle the projected peak flow events.

Waste’n WaterTech is proud to announce that the SAVECO/FSM screening system installed at the SEWPCC is now commissioned and fully operational. Each of the four FSM 6mm perforated plate FilterScreens is capable of handling 140 MLD and capture 85% of all incoming debris. This is the highest, independently certified, Screenings Capture Ratio in the industry for 6mm perforated plate screens. The wet screenings then get deposited into an overhead sluice which uses water to convey them nearly 40m to the screenings washing/compacting process located in an adjoining room. Here, the wet screenings get deposited into either of the two duplex FSM Wash presses that have been sized to handle both the high volume of screenings as well as the high volume of sluice water. The washed and compacted screenings drop through chutes in the floor to the bins located below, and are hauled off to the landfill.
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