Vaughan Chopper Pump Demo

When it comes to industrial equipment like pumps, a live demonstration can make all the difference. Showcasing the pump’s functionality, efficiency, and durability can help municipalities and industrial firms appreciate its value firsthand. On August 29, 2024, we visited Banff WWTP with our Vaughan Chopper Demo Pump Trailer.

1. Preparation is Key

We bring our demo trailer to you. Before the demo begins, we make sure that the chopper pump is properly assembled and operational.

2. We Show, Don’t Just Tell

The best part of any demo is the visual and hands-on experience. Once we explain the features, it’s time to turn the pump on. From food processing to silt ponds, the Vaughan Chopper Pump can handle it all.

To begin, we fed rope into the pump and received chopped rope in return!

Next, we fed plastic sticks and got them all chopped!

3. Wastewater Applications

Vaughan chopper pumps can be used in many wastewater applications:

  • Raw Sewage: Lift stations, CSO facilities, headworks, prisons, hospitals, restaurants.
  • Screenings / Septage: Raw concentrated solids including rags, plastics and hair.
  • Clarifier Scum Pits: Primary or Secondary scum without plugging or air binding.
  • Sludge Transfer: Eliminates “roping” and clogging in clarifier underflow to thickeners.
  • RAS / WAS: Continuously conditions Return and Waste Activated Sludges.
  • Thickened Sludge / Digested Sludge Transfer: Handles high sludge consistencies.
  • Digester Mixing: Rotamix system conditions and mixes in a dual-zone rotational flow pattern.
  • Digester Recirculation: Eliminates heat exchanger clogging while conditioning sludge.

4. Industrial Applications

Here are some of hte industrial applications.

5. We Address Your Needs

Let us know about your challenges with pumping your sludge. With Vaughan’s non-clog chopper pumps we can offer the most suitable configuration and size based on your application.

Contact us for a pump demo or ask us to send you a budgetary quote for a Vaughan Chopper pump at